• Shockwave Therapy for Knee Pain

    Knee pain can arise for a number of reasons. One of the most common causes in active people is patellar tendinopathy, which is colloquially sometimes called "jumper's knee." Podiatrists have traditionally recommended rest, anti-inflammatory medications and strengthening exercises to treat this condition. In recent years, they have also been making use of shockwave therapy to help people to recover more quickly. What Is Shockwave Therapy? Shockwave therapy involves passing sound waves into the knee to stimulate the tissue around an injured tendon.
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  • Two Myths About Podiatry

    Here are some very prevalent myths about podiatry. 1. You should only use a podiatrist's services if you've got a severe foot condition Many people think that a person should only use a podiatry service if they have a very severe foot condition such as an enormous and excruciating bunion or severe arthritis. This is untrue. First, the idea of what constitutes a 'serious' foot problem is subjective and what might appear to be a minor issue to some people might be debilitating to the sufferer.
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