
  • An Overview Of Bursitis Of The Heel

    Bursitis of the heel is a relatively common foot problem in athletes and those who take part in high-impact exercises, such as running. Just below the Achilles tendon, there is a small, fluid-filled sac known as the bursa, which acts as a protective cushion for the tendons and muscles surrounding your heel. When the bursa becomes inflamed due to overexertion, the tendons and muscles begin to rub against the heel bone.
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  • Frequently Asked Questions About Sports Podiatry

    Sports podiatry is a medical discipline that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and pathology of the feet and lower limbs. Podiatrists often have to deal even with certain problems of the legs and the back because the lower limbs are tightly connected to them and might have caused the said conditions. How Do You Know When to Visit a Sports Podiatrist? If you are a person that engages in recreational or professional sports, then you have your answer.
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  • Injuries That Should Prompt You to See a Sports Podiatrist ASAP

    Taking part in sports is one of the best ways of ensuring that you remain in good health, not to mention the added benefits of the camaraderie that comes with being part of a team and the morale boost you get from taking your wellbeing into your own hands. Nevertheless, all types of sports come with the risk of injury. Whether it is golf or running or any other sport, there is always the chance of injuring your feet, and this can cause you severe pain.
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  • Heel Pain—Risk Factors You Should Be Aware Of

    Heel pain can be incredibly painful. Depending on the severity, you may be in constant discomfort, or you may have your mobility entirely compromised. But since not many people think about developing heel pain, they may be under the impression that they are not at risk of developing this condition. In truth, heel pain mostly stems from lifestyle choices as well as your genetic disposition. Thus, your best course of action is seeking to prevent acquiring heel pain rather than having to resort to treating it.
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  • A Guide to Podiatrists

    If you have had a problem with your feet or lower limbs, you might have given thought to visit a podiatrist. A podiatrist is a medical professional that prevents, diagnoses and manages conditions of the lower limbs and feet. The podiatrist aims to relieve pain and restore functionality of the feet and lower limbs when affected by a disease. The history of podiatry dates back to ancient Egypt. However, the profession was accepted as a conventional medicinal intervention in the early 20th century.
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  • Why You Should Always Get Custom-Fitted Orthotics

    If you've been struggling with foot pain and general mobility, you may have decided to try some inserts, as somebody told you that these would significantly help in your situation. As you search, you may have been looking around your local store and have seen some over-the-counter inserts that promise to work wonders. However, before you choose this option, you need to understand the limitations of these inserts and how, in certain circumstances, they could be detrimental.
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  • Three Tips To Help Deal With Pain In Your Heel

    Busy parents spend hours on their feet each day, and it is not uncommon to wake up at least once a week experiencing foot pain. A pain in your heel is particularly bothersome because it is part of the foot that bears the most impact as you take every step of your day. As someone who suffers from semi-regular heel pain, you're not too sure what to do about this issue.
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  • Sports and Foot Health: Are You Risking Foot Injuries?

    Sports and regular exercises are some of the sure ways of maintaining foot health. That's because the movement helps to improve blood circulation in your feet and legs. This ensures that your feet and toenails receive all the nourishment that they require from the body. Exercise also strengthens your bones and helps improve your dexterity in sports. However, there are instances when sporting can actually endanger your health and expose you to foot injuries requiring treatment by a sports podiatrist.
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  • Heel Pain? What to Do If You're Training for the Big Race

    If you've been training hard for an upcoming marathon race, you may think that you have overdone it as you've been experiencing some significant pain from the area around your heel. This is not good news under normal circumstances, and you certainly need to clear this up before you can consider taking part in such a strenuous event. On the top of your agenda should be a visit to an expert, although it can be quite an effort to even walk to the surgery.
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  • What Are Your Options If You Have Arthritis in Your Feet?

    Arthritis can be a particularly painful condition and involves inflammation of your joints due to a variety of different triggers. Unfortunately, it is particularly common in the feet, especially as this part of the body has to deal with a lot of weight and pressure. If you believe that you may be suffering from arthritis, you need to determine what form you're dealing with so that you can look at the various options.
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