Three Tips To Help Deal With Pain In Your Heel

Posted on: 3 August 2018


Busy parents spend hours on their feet each day, and it is not uncommon to wake up at least once a week experiencing foot pain. A pain in your heel is particularly bothersome because it is part of the foot that bears the most impact as you take every step of your day. As someone who suffers from semi-regular heel pain, you're not too sure what to do about this issue. So, here are three tips which will help you to deal with the pain in your heel.

Look At Your Shoes

Everybody has a comfortable pair of shoes which they like to wear every day, but how often do you take a close look to see if they are worn and need replacing? Outwardly, worn-down heels are an obvious sign your shoe needs some love, but the part which protects your heel is inside the shoe. The inner lining of the shoe wears down over time. Once the cushioning beneath the heel is gone, the shoe no longer protects your heel from the impact created each time you take a step. Throw your shoes out and buy a new pair to replace them if the heel cushioning has gone. Shoes which contain memory foam inserts, for example, will protect your feet while you walk.

Once you have taken a look at your shoes, it's time to rehabilitate your feet.

Stretching Exercises

One of the great things about places like YouTube is that you can find videos which teach you how to do anything, and that includes how to stretch and strengthen your feet. Use your search engine to look for videos which address heel pain, and make a commitment to do these exercises daily for two weeks. When you wake up in the morning to heel pain, stretching your foot helps to reduce the inflammation which may be the culprit behind the pain.

If you don't find significant relief from daily stretching, then it's time to call in the big guns.

Podiatrist Visit

A podiatrist is the ultimate way to find out what is causing the heel pain, and also how to get rid of it. Not only can they diagnose the problem, but they can also recommend exercises, special shoes or custom orthotics which will make a huge difference to the pain you feel. If the pain you feel is a daily occurrence, then make the podiatrist visit number one on your list of things to do so that you can walk with a spring in your step once more.