What to Do if You Are Suffering From Heel Pain

Posted on: 22 July 2022


You might have recently noticed that you suffer from heel pain, even if this is not a problem that you have ever had to deal with before. Dealing with pain in your heels—or anywhere on your feet—can make a big difference in your quality of life. You should not ignore the problem or hope that it will go away on its own. Instead, you may want to follow these tips.

Get Off Your Feet

Some people suffer from heel pain because they are on their feet all day, and this might be the case for you. Even if this is not the cause of your heel pain, standing for long periods of time can be unbearable when you're suffering from this type of pain, and it can sometimes make the problem worse, too. Therefore, if you're able to, consider sitting on a chair or stool at work when you can instead of being on your feet all day. You may want to take some time off from exercise, too.

Soak Your Feet

In some cases, soaking your feet can help a lot with heel pain. Some people like to soak their feet in warm water and Epsom salt. This can be a good, natural way to get a little bit of pain relief.

See a Podiatrist

If you haven't already scheduled an appointment with a podiatrist, you should consider doing so. This is especially true if the pain is severe, if you've been suffering from heel pain for more than about a week and haven't gotten any relief, if you aren't able to bend your foot upward, if there is a lot of swelling and pain, or if you otherwise think the situation is serious.

Your podiatrist can examine your feet and talk to you about the pain that you have been suffering from. They might ask you about whether or not you've had any injuries or if you have been diagnosed with any illnesses lately. This can help them determine the cause of your heel pain and can help them move forward in looking for a good treatment option for you.

Change Your Footwear

If your podiatrist determines that your footwear is potentially the cause of your heel pain, then you should start wearing different shoes as soon as possible. Make sure that you choose shoes that fit you properly and that offer ample support. Your podiatrist might recommend the right footwear or inserts to help you be more comfortable or they might even recommend orthotics. 

If you're suffering from heel pain, contact a local podiatrist.