
  • Recognising the Signals: When to Seek Help for Heel Pain

    Heel pain is a common complaint that can affect anyone, regardless of age or fitness level. It can stem from various causes, including plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, and stress fractures. While occasional discomfort might be normal, persistent or severe pain warrants a visit to a specialist. Chronic or Persistent Heel Pain If you've been noticing persistent heel pain that just won't go away, even after taking measures to alleviate it, it's crucial to book an appointment with a healthcare professional.
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  • 6 Conditions a Podiatrists Can Treat

    Podiatrists are healthcare professionals who specialise in diagnosing, treating and managing conditions that affect the feet and lower limbs. Their medical expertise includes diagnosing and treating various conditions, from minor foot problems to complex lower limb issues. Here are six conditions that podiatrists can treat. Ingrown Toenails  Ingrown toenails occur when the corner of a toenail grows into the skin, causing pain, redness and swelling. Podiatrists can diagnose and treat ingrown toenails by removing the offending portion of the nail and providing advice on how to prevent the condition from recurring.
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  • What to Do if You Are Suffering From Heel Pain

    You might have recently noticed that you suffer from heel pain, even if this is not a problem that you have ever had to deal with before. Dealing with pain in your heels—or anywhere on your feet—can make a big difference in your quality of life. You should not ignore the problem or hope that it will go away on its own. Instead, you may want to follow these tips.
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  • Two Conditions a Podiatrist Can Treat

    It is important to take care of your feet, and a podiatrist can help you to do just that. Podiatrists are doctors who specialise in the treatment of feet. They can deal with a broad range of conditions. This article explores two common issues that can affect your feet and that may require a visit to a podiatrist. Read on to find out more! Ingrown Toenails Ingrowing toenails can be a problem for many people.
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  • Shockwave Therapy for Knee Pain

    Knee pain can arise for a number of reasons. One of the most common causes in active people is patellar tendinopathy, which is colloquially sometimes called "jumper's knee." Podiatrists have traditionally recommended rest, anti-inflammatory medications and strengthening exercises to treat this condition. In recent years, they have also been making use of shockwave therapy to help people to recover more quickly. What Is Shockwave Therapy? Shockwave therapy involves passing sound waves into the knee to stimulate the tissue around an injured tendon.
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  • Two Myths About Podiatry

    Here are some very prevalent myths about podiatry. 1. You should only use a podiatrist's services if you've got a severe foot condition Many people think that a person should only use a podiatry service if they have a very severe foot condition such as an enormous and excruciating bunion or severe arthritis. This is untrue. First, the idea of what constitutes a 'serious' foot problem is subjective and what might appear to be a minor issue to some people might be debilitating to the sufferer.
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  • Metatarsalgia Explained

    Metatarsalgia is a painful foot condition that can occur in those who participate in high-impact sports and exercise. The condition affects the ball of the foot, which tends to come under strain when you run or jump, as the front of your foot lands on the ground first. Additionally, a poor running technique can put stress on the joints at the front of your feet, as can wearing unsupportive footwear when you participate in sports.
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  • Key Things You Should Do to Avoid Foot Pain Problems

    If you have been experiencing foot pain for some time, you know how inconveniencing this condition can be. Perhaps you cannot perform your usual work or household tasks. While it is vital to seek medical help for the condition, there are a number of things you can do to ease the pain or prevent the recurrence of the problem. This piece will be sharing top foot pain prevention tips you should consider.
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  • 3 Main Reasons You Could Be Suffering from Chronic Foot Pain

    The foot may seem like the simplest of all human body parts, but it is quite complex. The foot has over one hundred muscles and thirty joints. It is designed this way because you practically support your body's entire weight on it. You need healthy feet for the usual morning jog, the dancing date, the walk to school, and other activities. When something goes wrong with one of the muscles or joints that support the foot, your life might come to a complete standstill.
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  • 3 Diabetes Podiatric Care Management Practices

    Diabetes is a sugar impairment disease that affects the daily life of a patient. Available evidence indicates that diabetes might trigger secondary complications if left unchecked. Foot sores are among the most common challenges experienced by diabetic individuals. However, with proper podiatry care, you can treat foot diseases, or prevent the onset of such ailments. This article explores diabetic podiatry care management practices. Feet Care One of the most essential podiatric care practices is feet care.
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