• Metatarsalgia Explained

    Metatarsalgia is a painful foot condition that can occur in those who participate in high-impact sports and exercise. The condition affects the ball of the foot, which tends to come under strain when you run or jump, as the front of your foot lands on the ground first. Additionally, a poor running technique can put stress on the joints at the front of your feet, as can wearing unsupportive footwear when you participate in sports.
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  • Key Things You Should Do to Avoid Foot Pain Problems

    If you have been experiencing foot pain for some time, you know how inconveniencing this condition can be. Perhaps you cannot perform your usual work or household tasks. While it is vital to seek medical help for the condition, there are a number of things you can do to ease the pain or prevent the recurrence of the problem. This piece will be sharing top foot pain prevention tips you should consider.
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  • 3 Main Reasons You Could Be Suffering from Chronic Foot Pain

    The foot may seem like the simplest of all human body parts, but it is quite complex. The foot has over one hundred muscles and thirty joints. It is designed this way because you practically support your body's entire weight on it. You need healthy feet for the usual morning jog, the dancing date, the walk to school, and other activities. When something goes wrong with one of the muscles or joints that support the foot, your life might come to a complete standstill.
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  • 3 Diabetes Podiatric Care Management Practices

    Diabetes is a sugar impairment disease that affects the daily life of a patient. Available evidence indicates that diabetes might trigger secondary complications if left unchecked. Foot sores are among the most common challenges experienced by diabetic individuals. However, with proper podiatry care, you can treat foot diseases, or prevent the onset of such ailments. This article explores diabetic podiatry care management practices. Feet Care One of the most essential podiatric care practices is feet care.
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  • An Overview Of Bursitis Of The Heel

    Bursitis of the heel is a relatively common foot problem in athletes and those who take part in high-impact exercises, such as running. Just below the Achilles tendon, there is a small, fluid-filled sac known as the bursa, which acts as a protective cushion for the tendons and muscles surrounding your heel. When the bursa becomes inflamed due to overexertion, the tendons and muscles begin to rub against the heel bone.
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